300 WEST SUPERIOR STREET | CHICAGO, IL 60654 | 312.722.6447 | mail@galleryvictor.com
Hours: Tuesday -Saturday 11- 5 - Closed Sunday & Monday
Amy Heifitz
Museum of Art de Rue
multilayer cut photo collage
17h x 25w inches
price: 1,900.
Amy Heifitz
Look Up
multilayer cut photo collage
30h x 20w inches
Amy Heifitz
Self Absorbed
multilayer cut photo collage
17h x 30w inches
price: 2,100.
Amy Heifitz
Women of the World
cut photo collage
18h x 24w inches
price: 2,200.
Amy Heifitz
cut and collaged photos, fabrics, wallpaper
24h x 24w inches
price: 2,400.