300 WEST SUPERIOR STREET | CHICAGO, IL 60654 | 312.722.6447 | mail@galleryvictor.com
Hours: Tuesday -Saturday 11- 5 - Closed Sunday & Monday
David Becker
Self Portrait at 80
vine charcoal on paper
35.75 x 25 inches
David Becker
Straw Man
vine charcoal on paper
31 x 40 inches
Price: 4,500.
David Becker
Adjust to Fit
charcoal on paper
39.25 x 27.5 inches
Price: 4,500.
David Becker
oil on watercolor paper
31 x 22 inches
Price: 5,800.
David Becker
oil on watercolor paper
31 x 22 inches
Price: 5,800.
David Becker
oil on watercolor paper
30 x 23 inches
Price: 5,800.
David Becker
Reflection #1
charcoal on paper
36 x 25 inches
David Becker
charcoal on paper
40 x 30 inches
David Becker
Sweat Band #3
charcoal on paper
36 x 25 inches
David Becker
etching and engraving
21 x 31 inches
David Becker
photographic etching and engraving
24 x 34 inches
Price: 1,200.
David Becker
In a Dark Time
etching and engraving
15.75 x 23.75 inches