300 WEST SUPERIOR STREET | CHICAGO, IL 60654 | 312.722.6447 | mail@galleryvictor.comHours: Tuesday -Saturday 11- 5 - Closed Sunday & Monday
Dean Kugler
Atlas Shruggedbronze22 x 14.5 x 16
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Dean Kulger
Slave bronze 20 x 5 x 5 inchesSOLD
This Impact ( Muay Thai Fighter) Bronze 18 x 9 x 7
Guardian: Ferrumsteel and resin66.50 x 7 x 9 inchesSOLD
The Black Road: Bronze and Gold, 2021 Resin, Bronze Patina, Gold Leaf 24h x 16w inSOLD
Guardian: Obscura bronze steel & fiberglass 77 x 20 x 20inches
The Black Road: IronResin and Iron Patina 24h x 16w inprice: 3,500.
Iron Relic bronze 24 x 6 x 6SOLD
Relic 1resin23.5 x 20 x 6 inches
Relic In BlackBronze22 x 6 x 6 inches
Relic 2resin24 x 14 x 6 inches
Embedded Slave resin 23 x 6 x 8 inchesSOLD
Grace mixed media with bronze verdigris patina 42 x 84 x 84 inches
Spectral Touch charcoal on paper 20 x 40 inches
Powerlessmixed media (steel, foam, fiberglass cement, resin, iron patina)90 x 72 x 24 inchesSOLD