300 WEST SUPERIOR STREET | CHICAGO, IL 60654 | 312.722.6447 | mail@galleryvictor.com
Hours: Tuesday -Saturday 11- 5 - Closed Sunday & Monday
Tom Hück
Tommy Peeperz
woodcut on coffee and tea stained paper
90 × 62 inches
Price: 13,000.
Tom Hück
The Transformation of Brandy Baghead
woodcut on paper
96 × 72 inches
Price: 15,000.
Tom Hück
Three Scenes from a Tiny Riot
woodcut triptych on Arches 88 paper
20 x 21 (Ball of Hate)
17 x 14 (Rumble Thumpin)
17 x 14 (Bag-O-Hedz)
Price: 6,000.
Tom Hück
Electric Boloney Land
chiaroscuro woodcut triptych with predella
Installation shot
Price: 30,000.
Tom Hück
Monkey Mountain Kronicle
woodcut on paper
double sided folding triptych altar piece with predella
installation shot
Price: 35,000.
Tom Hück
19 stereo/mono set
chiaroscuro woodcut on kitakata paper
13.5 × 13.5 inches/ea.
Price: 6,000.
Tom Hück
The Great Warmadillo
chiaroscuro woodcut on Kitakata paper (ed. 25/45)
16.5 x 18 inches
Price: 4,500.
Tom Hück
Miss Rite
woodcut on paper
40 × 12 inches
Price: 2,000.
Tom Hück
chiaroscuro woodcut on Kitakata Japanese paper
13.5 x 13.5 inches
Tom Hück
chiaroscuro woodcut on paper
20 × 15 inches
Price: 1,500.
Tom Hück
chiaroscuro woodcut on paper
20 × 15 inches
Price: 1,500.
Tom Hück
chiaroscuro woodcut on paper
20 × 15 inches
Price: 1,500.
Tom Hück
chiaroscuro woodcut on paper
20 × 15 inches
Price: 1,500.
Tom Hück
The 5th Season
woodcut on paper
20 × 15 inches
Price: 4,500 [available only with complete set of The Four Seasons]
Tom Hück
Stung on the 4th of July
woodcut on paper
13 × 9.5 inches
Price: 750.
Tom Hück
Dead Eye
screen print
24 × 18 inches
Price: 75.
Tom Hück
screen print
24 × 18 inches
Price: 75.
Tom Hück
Nipple-Eyed Tongue Kat
screen print
24 × 18 inches
Price: 75.
Tom Hück
Bird Battle
woodcut on paper
16 × 17 inches
Price: 1,200.
Tom Hück
Amerikkkan Tickler
woodcut on paper
11 × 14 inches
Price: 750.
Tom Hück
woodcut on paper
17.5 × 21 inches
Price: 1,250.
Tom Hück
Anubis Block ‘95
woodcut on paper
27 × 23.5 inches
Price: 1,000.
Tom Hück
Tom Huck: The Devil is in the Details
Prints 1995-2020, Written by Greg Kessler
Price: $99.90
Sale price during show: $66.60
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra
[custom wood panel and duct tape glory hole cover]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - Cover Page
linocut on Arches BFK paper
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - Centerfold
linocut on Arches BFK paper
15 x 30 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - First Responder
linocut on Arches BFK paper (ed. 20/25)
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - Mile High Handy
linocut on Arches BFK paper (ed. 20/25)
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - One Night Only
linocut on Arches BFK paper (ed. 20/25)
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - Pile-O-Poon
linocut on Arches BFK paper (ed. 20/25)
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - The Puppy Tent
linocut on Arches BFK paper (ed. 20/25)
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - Bone Rubbin’
linocut on Arches BFK paper (ed. 20/25)
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - Snatch Lake
linocut on Arches BFK paper (ed. 20/25)
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - The Squeexxx
linocut on Arches BFK paper (ed. 20/25)
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - Stag Night (Sword Fight)
linocut on Arches BFK paper (ed. 20/25)
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - Sunday Mornin’ Wood
linocut on Arches BFK paper (ed. 20/25)
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - Vegetable Soup (RIP W. Reed)
linocut on Arches BFK paper (ed. 20/25)
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - XXX Pulsion
linocut on Arches BFK paper (ed. 20/25)
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]
Tom Hück
The Hillbilly Kama Sutra - Jack- O-Lantern Blues
linocut on Arches BFK paper (ed. 20/25)
15 x 15 inches
[collection of 13 linocut prints]